Reflections on Lesson 1

Oct - 29 2021 | By

I didn’t realize how hard it was to get an education in other parts of the world. Many of the causes surprised me, I never would have been able to come up with a lot of them. A lot of it is caused by the constant battle for survival of families, which is crazy to me. It’s very easy to take for granted what we have. It’s a luxury to be able to focus on our education here without worrying about basic needs. I don’t remember any exact statistics from the video. I believe we, being a relatively wealthy country, need to head over to Africa and any Asian countries that are willing to accept our help, and attempt to stabilize living conditions there so people will be able to focus on getting educations and not focus on surviving. We also need to make sure there are enough teachers and schools around so everyone has access to an education. The prevention of the spread of HIV also is a big thing we need to focus on. Without ensuring safe living conditions, people will be too focused on survival and won’t have any time to get educated which would help to further develop their society.

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