Global Access to Education and WE Service Reflection

May - 26 2022 | no comments | By

Something we could have done with an app to help students learn better is to either create quiz or an infographic about what it means to have a growth mindset and why it is important. If students have a growth mindset I believe it will maximize their learning potential. They won’t give up when faced with difficult challenges and instead will take these opportunities to further their comprehension of certain subjects. It would also be important to make sure children understand the importance of a good education. If students don’t care, then almost no learning is going to get done, and everyone’s efforts will have been wasted. Students also need to learn good study habits, so that would be included in the app also. Without good study habits, students can only get as far as they get during the school day. If students don’t study, they are only limiting their potential and not getting the most out of their education.

As an individual, it would be very difficult to make computer science more accessible on a global scale, but with the help of an organization, we could definitely make a change. Without funding, even as an organization, nothing could get done. With funding though, it would be much easier to travel , recruit new members, inform interested groups about coding, even actually teaching coding to those interested. Not only would funding make things possible, the number of members alone is also a great resource. With so many people all over the world, we would have a lot more access to potentially interested groups. Networking becomes much easier the more people your organization knows. If we wanted a message to reach the masses around the world, we could just contact our members in other parts of the world and have them all spread the same message. That increases our global reach and would result in more members/participants.

Through this WE service learning project, I have learned some more about global access to education that I previously had. Since we had to come up with eight questions, all our group members had to come together to come up with questions. They knew some things I didn’t and I knew some things they didn’t, our general understanding increased overall. I definitely now have a better understanding of global access to education as a whole than before we did this project but it hasn’t changed my mindset much. There’s still a lot of work that needs to be dome and we are just getting started. The end is nowhere near but if we keep working at it, eventually we’ll reach it I believe.

Reflections on “The Universal Declaration of Human Rights”

Feb - 08 2022 | no comments | By

I would summarize the video “The Right to Education” as an example of what a school looks like to kids without access to an education. It shows how the girl sees the school as a ray of hope and promise of a bright future, and the other girl contrasts her by saying school is boring because she doesn’t know what its like to not be able to go to school. It really shows the different perspectives of someone who has access to education vs. someone who doesn’t. It makes us realize how much we take education for granted.

Although education is a basic human right, it does not mean that everyone has access to quality education. It should, but that just isn’t reality yet. Some countries are impoverished, and cant afford to build schools or pay for materials or teachers wages. Some kids are forced to stay home and help their family or they get married off early, so they can’t go to school. Other countries can only support these impoverished countries so much. We want everyone to have access to quality education, but it takes a lot of time, money, and planning. It’s going to be a long time before we make this a reality for all children around the world.

There are many barriers that prevent children from having the right to education. Some children may be too far from the nearest school and have no way to get there, some children may not have any school near them period. Some children need to help support their families rather than go to school, whether it be staying at home and doing chores or going out to make money for their families. Some children get married off at very young ages without being given the chance to get an education. Some kids may have access to an education but don’t have the funds to pay for it. At least in Africa, I think European colonization is a major cause of the poverty that leads to all these problems. Compared to these issues, our barriers to education are almost nothing. The only things I can think of is not being able to get a ride, or having to drop out to support your family if the situation is that bad.

Reflections on Lesson 2

Feb - 08 2022 | no comments | By

If I never had a formal education or if my education was cut short, I think my future would be very different. My job opportunities would be limited, I probably wouldn’t be able to go to college, and I’d most likely end up not earning very much money. I personally don’t feel like I have any barriers to cross to get an education. That’s how it should be for everyone all around the world. These lessons really do make you realize how much we take a free and available education for granted. At the bare minimum, to help improve access to education in my city, I could offer rides to kids who struggle to get to school because their parents are working. Even though it’s small, if more people did this, we could probably fix the problem in this city altogether.

Reflections on Lesson 1

Oct - 29 2021 | no comments | By

I didn’t realize how hard it was to get an education in other parts of the world. Many of the causes surprised me, I never would have been able to come up with a lot of them. A lot of it is caused by the constant battle for survival of families, which is crazy to me. It’s very easy to take for granted what we have. It’s a luxury to be able to focus on our education here without worrying about basic needs. I don’t remember any exact statistics from the video. I believe we, being a relatively wealthy country, need to head over to Africa and any Asian countries that are willing to accept our help, and attempt to stabilize living conditions there so people will be able to focus on getting educations and not focus on surviving. We also need to make sure there are enough teachers and schools around so everyone has access to an education. The prevention of the spread of HIV also is a big thing we need to focus on. Without ensuring safe living conditions, people will be too focused on survival and won’t have any time to get educated which would help to further develop their society.

This is me

Oct - 22 2021 | 1 comment | By

I am a student at North Olmsted high school. I play soccer, I like to play video games with my friends, I like spending money, watching YouTube,

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